There has been plenty of talk about reducing our carbon footprint; we must take action now. Many people, including top level government officials have little knowledge about compostable products. We were confronted with this issue when we met with municipal waste management departments. It is evident from the dialogue and questions asked that there has been no educational exposure to this matter at all. Soon the market will be hit with hundreds of millions of compostable bags and the waste departments will not know what to do with it.
It is our objective to educate all consumers, retailer, municipalities, and all levels of the goverment about the use of compostable products, and provide support to waste management facilities.
Our compostable products are made in Italy, of high quality material, and certified by AIB VINCOTTE, the European body which, by granting use of the OK COMPOST, OK COMPOST HOME and SEEDLING LOGO brands, guarantees product compliance with the European standard EN 13432.