Why Is It Important To Replace Plastic Bags With The Compostable And Biodegradable Alternative?

It is the objective of iCOMPOST to replace single use plastic bags with eco-friendly packaging solutions which are biodegradable as well as compostable.

Composting is the ideal solution for the disposal of the organic component of urban wast, such as food and garden waste. This is also referred to as wet waste; it is rich in water and decomposes quickly. Consequently, wet waste is not suitable for recovering energy through incineration because heat is lost in water evaporation, as opposed to being used for electricity production. In landfills, wet waste causes serious environmental problems, such as methane production, and can contaminate water tables through contaminated percolates. Therefore, the best way of disposing of organic waste is by composting.

The production of compost and its use in agriculture represent the closure of the environmental cycle and constitute a simple way to address the problem caused by the removal of organic substances from agricultural soils, reduced soil fertility and the onset of desertification, particularly in western countries.

After being taken from the fields to supermarkets, organic matter is returned to its place of origin in the form of compost. Here are some of the benefits of compost for soil:

      • helps maintain soil fertility
      • prevents erosion
      • reduces the leaching of inorganic fertilizers
      • obstructs the development of micro-organisms that are pathogenic for plants

Composting is currently applied to selected waste that only contains biodegradable organic matter. Traditional plastic bags are discarded because they resist biodegradation and therefore contaminate the finished compost. In contrast, biodegradable plastics can be included in composting, but only if they satisfy the criteria established by the international standards that define compostable materials.

Bioplastics that comply with regulations and standards, such as  iCOMPOST products, can play a fundamental role in the optimization of the composting process and in the production of high quality compost. Compostable bags enable the creation of homogeneous wet waste, where both the container and the contents have the same biodegradation properties. This increases the efficiency of separate wet waste collection, because it speeds up the decomposition of waste. In addition, this will inspire people to separate their wet waste and therefore increase the quantity of organic waste received by waste collection, thereby ensuring the quality levels required for the finished compost.