Ours Is An Ambitious Objective

We would like to eliminate all single use plastic bags from our habitual consumption. iCOMPOST aims to promote eco-compatible packaging solutions with biodegradable and compostable products in all world markets.

In North America, every time we make a purchase in most establishments we are charged directly or indirectly for a plastic bag, whereas in Europe, compostable bags are prevalent and used by most retailers. North Americans have not been educated enough about this matter and consequently have not adopted the compostable solution. In addition, there has been a resistance by certain corporations that put their profits ahead of the health of our planet and its inhabitants.

There has been plenty of talk about reducing our carbon footprint; we must take action now. Many people, including top level government officials have little knowledge about compostable products. We were confronted with this issue when we met with municipal waste management departments. It is evident from the dialogue and questions asked that there has been no educational exposure to this matter at all. Soon the market will be hit with hundreds of millions of compostable bags and the waste departments will not know what to do with it.

It is our objective to educate all consumers, retailer, municipalities, and all levels of the goverment about the use of compostable products, and provide support to waste management facilities.


Our compostable products are made in Italy, of high quality material, and certified by AIB VINCOTTE, the European body which, by granting use of the OK COMPOST, OK COMPOST HOME and SEEDLING LOGO brands, guarantees product compliance with the European standard EN 13432.

Environmental Benefits

The use of raw materials of biological origin in the chemical and plastic industries, as an alternative to fossil resources that are costly and limited, can help in the control of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, since these materials exploit the atmospheric CO2 absorbed by plants during photosynthesis. In addition, the separate collection of organic waste and the recycling in compost, is another way to help the environment, since compost releases carbon in the soil, maintaining its fertility. 



Every year millions of tons of organic waste are produced in the world. The portion which is incinerated, immediately produces GHG emissions, and the portion disposed in the landfills produces methane, which is a strong GHG. In order to reduce these emissions we must focus on organic recovery (ie composting, with or without anaerobic pre-fermentation) which brings organic matter back to the soil.

The biodegradable and compostable products can be composted with the organic fraction (organic waste plus biodegradable and compostable products). These products are suitable for differentiated collection, organic recovery and the production of high quality compost for agriculture, substantially reducing the amounts of CO2. This feature is important in any scenario where organic waste can be contaminated by plastic products. Organic waste contaminated by non-compostable plastic products cannot easily be organically recycled. Similarly, plastics contaminated with food waste are difficult to recycle. The use of compostable plastic products makes organic recycling of mixed waste possible, as both fractions (plastic and food waste) are biodegradable and compostable.